Chill Out 101: How to Get Started Home Schooling and Be Successful
Start Footer This workshop will serve as a starting point as you begin your home schooling career
or give you fresh ideas if you are a veteran.

Place: The home of Ruth Martin at 1345 Chandler Road, Lawrenceville, GA  30045. 
:  Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 9am to 5pm
Topics: The Fine Art of Teaching – You CAN Do This!
Accreditation: Pros and Cons
Just What IS Home Schooling, Anyway?
Legal Issues
Letter of Intent
Testing and Evaluation
Setting Goals and Planning
Do You Know Where You’re Headed? Do You Know Why?
The Nitty Gritty – What Do I Do All Day?
Teaching Toddlers to Teens
Documenting Progress
Learning/Teaching Styles – Each Child is Unique
How to Shop for Curriculum
Choosing Curriculum
Putting It All Together
Bringing Kids Home From School
Bringing YOU Home from Life
Reasonable Expectations
Speaker:  Ruth Martin Ruth began homeschooling in 1983 and graduated all three of her children from a non-accredited, non-traditional program. All three have gone on to college and beyond. Ruth has a Master’s Degree in Learning Disabilities and has experience in both public and private school settings. She is an Educational Consultant in private practice working with families from all school settings. She specializes in comprehensive evaluations, learning challenges, and curriculum planning. In 2012, she finally earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling. She also teaches classes for high school students in her home. Space for this workshop is limited for your benefit. If you would like to participate, please respond as quickly as possible so that you may reserve a space and a workbook. You are considered registered after your payment has been received. There is a 10 family minimum, so please share this information with anyone you believe would benefit from this workshop. The preregistration fee is $55 per family. Registration at the door is $65. Please include your name, how many attending and their names. Please make your check out to Ruth Martin and mail it to:
Mary Ellen Haller 3343 Flat Run Drive Bethlehem, GA   30620
Directions: 1345 Chandler Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30045
  Lunch is on your own.  You are welcome to bring a lunch or visit a fast-food restaurant nearby. Nursery:  Child Care will not be provided.  Nursing babies are welcome.
  Mary Ellen Haller at or call 770/277-9372.