• Martin Educational Services has been assisting parents and students in the educational process since 1980. Our area of expertise extends to all venues of education (both public and private); however, we take special interest in those families who desire to educate their children at home. These families do not usually have the availability of school guidance counselors and special needs services. As a homeschooling family for 22 years, we see the need to provide quality educational services to homeschooling families.
  • We support families in making informed educational decisions about the type of education that would work best for them. If that decision involves home education, we assist them in selecting curriculum that best fits the teaching parent and the home schooled student. Our extensive knowledge of the homeschool market and experience in individualized instruction aid in making those decisions.
  • As educational consultants working with children for over 40 years, we have seen many children who are just developmentally behind a little. Solution: give it some time and they’ll get there. We have also seen some who really are struggling academically and really do need some help. Our experience in evaluation of these learning challenges and tailoring curriculum and methods to those needs is vital to the educational process:
o curriculum consultations that are home school friendly
o administer standardized achievement tests required by law in the state of Georgia every three years starting in 3rd grade.

  • Throughout the traditional school year, we provide support for home schooling families through small classes (usually 10 students), including Composition, Advanced Composition, American and British Literature, US and World History, Speech, Debate, and more. These high school classes remain small in order to provide individualized instruction and promote mastery of concepts.
  • Families with high school students need assistance with college and life preparation. We provide guidance counseling that extends to
o long-range planning and curriculum selection
o transcript preparation
o individualized counseling for high school students who have, for whatever reason, lost credits in a traditional school setting
o credit recovery opportunities with the goal of achieving a high school diploma